Thomas Al Logsdon – Commissioner Dist. 2

About Thomas Al Logsdon

Al lives in Santa Claus with his wife Jeanne. They have two children: Mark and Pam Logsdon and Jill and Eric May. Al is a retired educator whose career spanned 39 1/2 years as a teacher, coach and principal. He served as principal at South Spencer High School from 1974—1990. He also served as principal at Heritage Hills High School from 1993–2003. Al has been a Spencer County Commissioner since 2004.


Al earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Education from Western Kentucky University in 1964. He went on to receive a Masters of Science in School Administration from Murray State University in 1970. Al also earned his Education Specialist Degree at Murray State in 1976.

Professional Associations and Community Involvement

Al is a parishioner of St. Nicholas Catholic Church in Santa Claus. He is a member of the Santa Claus Optimists Club, a member of the Knights of Columbus, and a member of the Indiana Retired Teachers Association.

Key Issues

Al sees the most important issue as a County Commissioner to be providing efficient and effective oversight of county government.

Goals and Objectives if Elected

If elected to serve again as a County Commissioner, Al will work to continue to improve our county roads. He also wants to insure that all residents have access to high quality broadband internet. He will continually work with residents to improve the quality of life for everyone. Al will provide support to all elected officials so they can continually improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the services they provide.

A Message from Thomas Al Logsdon

“I am very proud that Spencer County parents permitted me the opportunity to work with their children and ensure they received a first class high school education for 26 years. I feel that I earned their respect. I enjoy the challenge of serving as commissioner and meeting the task of continually improving county services. I have the wisdom and energy necessary to successfully serve all residents. A vote for me is a vote for SUCCESS!”

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