Important Notice Concerning JFK Dinner and COVID-19

Due to the concerns about the potential spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and the Indiana State Department of Health Guidance issued yesterday which recommends the cancelling or postponement of non-essential gatherings of 250 people or more and smaller gatherings that do not allow for at least 6 feet of social distancing between individuals, the Spencer County Democratic Central Committee is postponing the Spencer County Democrat JFK Dinner scheduled for March 29th.  We regret that we won’t have this opportunity to gather and socialize with our fellow Democrats, but we feel it is extremely important to put the health and safety of the people in our community first, especially those most vulnerable to the virus which include older citizens and those with underlying chronic conditions.  We hope to reschedule the event for a later date, but that date has not yet been determined at this time.  In the meantime, we encourage everyone to remain calm and take common sense precautions: 

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer;
  • Cough and sneeze into the elbow or into a tissue;
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands;
  • Get your information from trusted, credible sources.  The Indiana State Department of Health maintains a COVID-19 information page at 

Working together we will get through this challenging situation successfully.   

As you know, our annual JFK Dinner is an important fundraising event that raises money that we use to support and promote our local Democratic candidates during the election season.  Regardless of when or if we are able to hold the JFK Dinner event, it will be vitally important for us to do everything we can to work for the election of our local candidates in 2020.  These recent events have demonstrated how important it is to have competent, responsible, accountable people working in government.  If you would still like to make a donation in the amount of the tickets you would have purchased or any other amount we would invite and welcome you to do that.  You can mail your donation to the Spencer County Democrats at P.O. Box 22, Rockport, IN 47635 or submit your donation online with a credit or debit card by visiting the donation page on our website at

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